Our Instructors

Steven Warren
President, Chief Instructor, Rokudan-SKIF
Warren Sensei is the chief instructor of the Rochester Shotokan Karate Dojo and of the University of New Hampshire Shotokan Karate Club. He has been teaching traditional Shotokan karate-do as a certified instructor for 30 years. He started his training in 1969 and holds ranking in many traditional Shotokan organizations including the Japan Karate Association (JKA) and the Shotokan Karate International Federation (SKIF).
After receiving his shodan degree in 1975, he organized, founded and developed the UNH Shotokan Karate Club which became the largest non-funded campus club sport. He has been instrumental in developing Shotokan Karate in New England since 1977.
Mr. Warren has competed successfully on a national and international level and as the team coach for the RSKD and UNHSKC Karate Teams he has developed successful athletes including numerous national level champions. He holds a national A level rating as a tournament official and international certification and licensure as an instructor and examiner.
Sensei holds ranking in kendo and has a decade or more study and practice of kobudo and taichi. He has certifications through the American Council on Exercise as a Group Fitness Instructor, RAD Systems, Inc. as a Rape Aggression Defense Instructor, the American Red Cross as an Adult & Child CPR/First Aid/AED Instructor, Instructor Status for PPCT (Pressure Point and Control Tactics, and instructor training for both evidence-based falls prevention programs- Matter of Balance and TaiJiQuan: Moving for Better Balance.
Mr. Warren maintains the philosophy that consistent hard basic training builds the foundation for good karate and for good character in its participants.

Colin Lentz
Assistant Instructor, Sandan-SKIF
Lentz Sensei started his Shotokan Karate training in 2005 as an undergraduate student in western Massachusetts. He continued his training and introduction to our organization as a graduate student and a member of the UNH Shotokan Karate Club, Lentz Sensei continues his training and teaches as an assistant instructor at the Rochester Dojo. He is a sandan ranked in Japan and brings a deep commitment his own training and to the members of our dojo.